Simply put, Dark Violet is a unique combination of rock, pop, instrumental and alternative metal, broadly speaking. Dedicated to creating compelling musical pieces and performing unforgettable live shows. Let yourself sink into the addictive colour of violet...
Violet has debuted in the UK radio for the first time with the song ‘My Jane’. It has been aired by Maritime Radio in their Saturday’s ‘Box Fresh’ show, with bands like Foo Fighters and Royal Blood being on the same bill. After first warm welcome, song after song from the new album (Apparent Attributes of Adulthood), started to appear on the Saturday’s show and have been presented to the people from the south. The band confirms it will appear again on the show soon. Stay tuned!
Gia Black joins Dark Violet! We are extremely excited to officially announce that the band has a new bass player! Gia started playing bass guitar when she was 16 years old, and her favorite bands are The Cure and Pantera. Most often you can find her eating sushi or Thai food and drinking rose wine, and her most-go-to colors are black and of course dark violet! She also likes Sterlings and Epiphones as her companions on stage and in the studio.
The start of the recording takes us back us to 2015 when the idea of the album began to crystalize, and we have had started with the song called ‘Idiots’. It was fast and aggressive, but at the same time melodic and well-structured, lyrically reminding us about the road rage and anger towards Traffic Wardens in a teenage like, provocative style. Later, we came up with ideas for ‘My Jane’ and ‘Leave Her’, among the others, as well as the single ‘Millions of Stars’. In the end, three recording studios were involved in the process.